Casi un millar de locales dedicados a "máquinas de ganchos" se sitúan por la ciudad de Seúl. Una cifra que no cuenta las innumerables máquinas autónomas que se pueden encontrar instaladas cerca de tiendas, restaurantes o estaciones de metro.
Con una recesión económica y un consumo interno más débil, otro tipo de tiendas han ido desapareciendo, dando paso a este tipo de locales, los cuales prescinden de personal, lo que las hace muy rentables.
Una forma de ocio muy popular entre jóvenes y adultos, que buscan diversión por una pequeña cantidad de dinero. Sobre todo para los que disponen de poco tiempo y economía dado el sistema capitalista actual.
Abarrotadas en su gran mayoría de muñecos basados en la franquicia Pokémon, las "claw machines" han cambiado el paisaje de la ciudad, pasando de 150 locales a más de 900 en el último año.
Con una mecánica trucada, donde sólo una de cada veintiuna veces el gancho agarra con firmeza el objeto (el resto de veces lo suelta), el azar tiene mucho más que contar que la destreza del jugador. El deseo que se frustra y las raras ocasiones en las que se consigue el objetivo, las convierte en un elemento adictivo, donde jóvenes y adultos juegan por capturar sus Pokémon, llegando a gastar mucho más de lo que les costaría el muñeco en una tienda.
Esta fotografía retrata un peluche conseguido en una claw machine coreana, tras gastar unos 81 euros para ello. Un premio que además ocultaba un bulto de goma a su espalda para hacerlo aún más inaccesible.
About a thousand claw machine shops are located in the city of Seoul. A figure that does not count the innumerable autonomous machines that are installed near stores, restaurants or metro stations.
With an economic downturn and weaker domestic consumption, other types of stores have been disappearing, giving way to these types of premises, which don't have staff.
A form of leisure very popular among young people and adults, who seek fun for a small amount of money. Especially for people who have little time and economy.
With dolls based on the Pokémon franchise, claw machines have changed the landscape of the city, going from 150 places to more than 900 in the last year.
With a mechanic trick, where only one of every twenty-one times the hook firmly grasps the object (the rest of it drops), random has much more to count than the skill of the player. The frustrated desire and the extraordinary occasions in which the objective is achieved, makes them an addictive element, where young and adults play by capturing their Pokémon, even spending much more than the price of the doll in a store.
This photograph portrays a stuffed animal obtained in a Korean claw machine, after spending about 81 euros for it. An award that also hid a rubber lump on its back to make it even more inaccessible.
Esta fotografía retrata un peluche conseguido en una claw machine coreana, tras gastar unos 81 euros para ello. Un premio que además ocultaba un bulto de goma a su espalda para hacerlo aún más inaccesible.
About a thousand claw machine shops are located in the city of Seoul. A figure that does not count the innumerable autonomous machines that are installed near stores, restaurants or metro stations.
With an economic downturn and weaker domestic consumption, other types of stores have been disappearing, giving way to these types of premises, which don't have staff.
A form of leisure very popular among young people and adults, who seek fun for a small amount of money. Especially for people who have little time and economy.
With dolls based on the Pokémon franchise, claw machines have changed the landscape of the city, going from 150 places to more than 900 in the last year.
With a mechanic trick, where only one of every twenty-one times the hook firmly grasps the object (the rest of it drops), random has much more to count than the skill of the player. The frustrated desire and the extraordinary occasions in which the objective is achieved, makes them an addictive element, where young and adults play by capturing their Pokémon, even spending much more than the price of the doll in a store.
This photograph portrays a stuffed animal obtained in a Korean claw machine, after spending about 81 euros for it. An award that also hid a rubber lump on its back to make it even more inaccessible.